About Al

Al Thatcher   Albert Thatcher
 Order of Merlin   International Brotherhood of Magicians Order of Merlin Excelsior

Al Thatcher was born November 28, 1917. He became interested in magic around 1930 at the age of 13. The first few years, Al was pretty much on his own but as time passed he became acquainted with other people who held his same interest. In March 1939 he joined the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM). Over the many years until his death on August 5, 2005, Al remained a loyal member to Ring 7 in Columbus. He held the position of President of Ring 7 more than a few times and many more times as Secretary-Treasurer.

Al did a club style act with a humorous style distinctively his own. He preferred card magic and was considered the “Card Expert” of the Ring. He was well versed in all phases of card magic and could session for hours with others who held the same interest. Nick Trost was probably the most frequent visitor to Al’s home for “Card Sessions”. Wynn Mertz and I spent many hours with Al and he was always ready with new effects of his own creation. Gary Plants, Evert Chapman, Del Copley, and Ed Weiss were also visitors for card sessions with Al. He was also a fixture at the Precursor suite at many Magi Fest conventions. He always amazed those in attendance and often provided Bill Miesel with effects for his periodical.

Al never lost his love for card magic and was still reading, practicing, and creating until his death in 2005. He is deeply missed by all.

Gordon Boyd
July 6, 2013

Figure 1-from left to right: Evert Chapman (red shirt), Al Thatcher, Nick Trost, Wynn Mertz, Gary Plants

Figure 2-from left to right: Wynn Mertz, Nick Trost, Gordon Boyd, Al Thatcher


Al's high school senior picture from West High School Columbus Ohio 1935

Al’s high school yearbook (West High, Columbus, Ohio 1935)

Vicki, Al, Mary Jeanne, Gary

Vicki, Al, Mary Jeanne, and Gary Thatcher

Also see: Al Thatcher Bio from May 1945
Also see: About the Author